April 15, 2008
When It Comes To Love,
Baby Boomers Are Sill Rocking
An interview with Maria Grazia Swan
Heading to the meeting, I carried a mixture of feelings and an uneasiness to face an award –winner author published by Dorchester (New York based). Perhaps the writer of “Boomer Babes” will act superior to a journalist of our small newspaper… I was recalling everything I learned about her from a website.
Maria Grazia Swan, who was featured several times in the Arizona Republic, is an award winner of Women’s National Book Association... She is a successful realtor, a highly motivated marketer and a public speaker… Her near feature new book (May 2008 to be exact) is lined up with a local TV and newspaper coverage. It is presented in Boomer oriented publications, websites, TV and radio programs… Her “Boomer Babes” book is expected to be a best seller and will come out simultaneous in the U.S.A., Canada, UK and Australia. It could be preordered from Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.
For my surprise none of my concerns mattered. There was no ice to break, no stiffness to begin with, no awkward first moment… The good looking blue eyed, petite and sophisticated lady that I faced, was an easy going, charming (Italian back ground) woman, who knows no strangers. We instantly started chatting for this and that. It was like a reunion with an old times friend! I was amazed of her energy, bubbling personality, gestures, and most of all of her sparkling, smiling eyes. It took quite awhile before I laid down my prewritten questions.
Q. What made you decide to write this book?
A. Well, I “specialize” with single people needs throughout my Real Estate business, and parties for singles. Most of my current clients are still single but are now Baby Boomers age.
Q. What message do you want to convey?
A. It is never too late to find a true love and hope. You just have to go out and be found.
Q. Was your back ground in Real Estate the reason for this book?
A. To a certain degree – yes. Some of the true stories in the book came from my “Real Estate 4 Singles” experience (www.realestate4singles.com).
Q. Which story is your favorite?
A. “She Trusts Me / She Trusts Me Not”.
Q. Why?
A. Because it is funny. My other favorite one is the opening story “The Hair Down There”.
Q. What do you do when you are not writing or selling Real Estate?
A. I have match making social events that I have been organizing, not only in the valley, but across the country.
Q. What is your zodiac sign?
A. I am a Leo. Born on July 29 – the same birthday as Benito Mussolini. Isn’t that funny?!
The conversation went on and on. She finds “fun” and amusement in everything and her enthusiasm is contagious. When I left, I was convinced that it is never to late to live your true life, that there is always a hope and love waiting for you – despite the age.
by Daphne Karcheva - Orris

Maria Grazia Swan