February 15, 2008
BABA MARTA is the folk name of March, the only month with a female name. It is not known how the female form of the month of March originated. Some say that it came as a result of the changeable March weather, which is so fickle that it is likened to a very capricious woman.” As fickle as the Marta weather” is a common saying often used in Bulgaria.
In the distant past, on March 1st mothers twisted red and white threads and tied them on their children’s wrists for good luck.The magic thread was given the name of MARTENITSA.Children had to wear their MARTENITSA until they saw storks. They then removed the MARTENITSA and placed them under stones, leaving them there until the swallows return. Then if a child finds an worm with the MARTENITSA he will be lucky; if he finds an ant under the stone his family will have luck with their flock of sheep.
The MARTENITSA is a typical Bulgarian tradition. It has been improved, elaborated and turned into a first class commercial product. Beautiful MARTENITSAs are on sale before March 1st. They are bought and exchanged between parents and children, old and young, friends and lovers. Greeting cards with spring scenery are decorated with MARTENITSA. People give them to each other to convey best wishes of love, good health, happiness and success throughout the coming spring season.
