14 факта, характерни за успешните хора

Успешните хора:
1. Знаят колко е ценно времето
2. Излизат извън зоната си на комфорт
3. Поставят си и преследват конкретни цели
4. Фокусират се върху малки, но постоянни подобрения
5. По дрехите посрещат
6. Гледат позитивно на нещата
Мислите ви са четката, която рисува съдбата и бъдещето. Успешните хора мислят позитивно и не се концентрират върху недостатъците. Те се борят с каквото трябва и винаги се стремят към развитие. То обаче не може да дойде, ако съзнанието ви е постоянно заето с негативни мисли и стрес. Според клиниката Майо в Рочестър, щата Минесота, позитивното мислене:
• Намалява стреса
• Допринася за дълголетието
• Намалява рисковете от депресия
• Подобрява психологическото и физическото състояние
• Намалява рисковете от смърт от сърдечносъдови заболявания
• Подобрява механизмите за справяне с трудности и стресови периоди
7. Приемат неуспеха смирено
Интелигентните хора знаят, че неуспехите от вчера градят успехите утре. Всеки провал крие награди, по-големи от единичен успех, защото дава незаменими уроци за живота. Започнете да гледате на неуспехите си като на възможности, да ставате по-добри от тях, вместо да се оставяте да ви разочароват.
8. Заобикалят се с победители
Джим Рон е казал, че “човек е средноаритметичното на петимата, с които прекарва най-много време”. Хората, с които общувате, играят важна роля в живота ви, защото се отразяват върху начина ви на живот и вярванията ви. Ако сте около негативни личности, няма да можете да поддържате позитивните си мисли. От друга страна, ако сте около хора, които пишат целите си, фокусират се върху ежедневните подобрения, поддържат се, това ще ви помогне да се развивате. Изградете обкръжението си от хора като вас, които имат големи мечти и правят нужното за постигането им. Те ще ви помогнат да стигнете до върха.
9. Не чакат перфектния момент, а го създават
Какво чакате? Перфектният момент никога няма да дойде, защото обстоятелствата никога не могат да са идеални. “Започвам от утре” е просто извинение. Важно е да започнете възможно най-скоро, за да се възползвате максимално от това, с което разполагате.
10. Не се фукат, а слушат
Успелите хора обичат да учат нови неща, те задават въпроси и слушат внимателно. Обикновено те не говорят прекалено много, защото са фокусирани върху слушането и събирането на информация.
11. Знаят, че образованието е постоянен процес
Смятате ли, че образованието приключва със завършването от гимназията или университета? Ако отговорът ви е „да“, помислете отново. Макар че има много успели хора, които нямат университетска диплома, успехът се основава върху постоянно учене, било то формално, или не. Най-успелите хора рядко се спират на едно място. Без значение колко вече знаят, те продължават да четат книги и да развиват нови качества.
12. Помагат на другите
Успехът не е чисто и просто задоволяване на нечии еднолични нужди. Напротив, голяма част от истинския успех идва с грижата за чуждите нужди. Много от целите на най-успешните хора са помогнали по някакъв начин на много други. Марк Цукърбърг например даде на хората по света начин лесно да свързват с приятелите си. Лари Пейдж и Сергей Брин дадоха на света система (Гугъл), която направи намирането на неограничена информация за част от секундата лесно като детска игра. Известни музиканти и актьори помагат на хората чрез творчеството си. Ако искате да успеете, помислете какво можете да дадете на света, за да го направите по-добро място!
13. Имат куража да кажат “Не!”
Това е нещо, с което много хора по света имат затруднения, но е изключително важно да го усвоите, ако искате да сте наистина успешни. Когато не се страхувате да кажете “Не!”, не се опитвате да угодите на всички, което така или иначе е невъзможно и води единствено до разочарования.
14. Поемат отговорност за действията си
За жалост соченето с пръст към този и онзи е разпространено, тъй като масово хората отказват да поемат отговорност за действията си и търсят друг виновник. Ако искате да успеете, поемете контрола върху живота и действията си.
Превод: Христина Мангелова
14 Fact about Successful People
What quality do you think differentiates the winners from the losers? Why are some people so successful in reaching their goals while others can’t achieve them? Because of their mindset, beliefs, and habits. Your brain is the first keystone to success. The second is your everyday actions, your daily habits. This list consists of 14 habits and beliefs that characterize phenomenally successful people—14 things that can transform your life as soon as you put them in your arsenal. If you want to become successful, you should get some paper and start taking notes.
1. They Know That Time Is Their Most Valuable Asset
They don’t let others make them invest time in activities they consider boring and counter-productive to their self-development. You shouldn’t do that either. When you think that something is a waste of your time, don’t do it. Your time is an asset that IS NOT INFINITE. Nobody on this planet has unlimited time, yet people tend to spend their time like garbage. The first thing you MUST DO if you want to change your life, become more successful, and achieve your goals is to change your perception of time. Realize that your time is not infinite and that you should spend it wisely, because it doesn’t come back.
2. They Step Out Of Their Comfort Zone
The only path to personal growth is doing things that make you feel awkward. When all you do is walk inside your comfort zone, you can’t grow as a person. You stay static because your activities can’t change you. If what you do doesn’t challenge you, if it’s not uncomfortable and difficult, then you should raise your standards and increase the game difficulty. You can’t build muscle if all you do is lift feathers. You have to lift heavy rocks.
3. They Create & Pursue Specific Goals
Most people don’t have goals at all. They don’t know what they want to do in their lives. They are just walking around like zombies. Would you ever take your car and start driving endlessly without knowing where you are going? Well, of course not. So why are you doing the same with your life? This is not a game, you don’t have 8 lives, only one. Setting up goals and having a destination is essential if you crave success. But that’s only the first step. The second step is to take these goals and make them specific. A goal like “I want to lose weight” isn’t specific. A goal like “I want to lose 15 pounds in the next 3 months” is what you should have in your mind.
4. They Focus on Small Continuous Improvements
Most people try to achieve overnight success. They want results instantly! Those who succeed in life know that things take time. How much time will it need? It takes as long as it takes. There is no certain period of work that guarantees success. Instead of trying to get rich in one month, you should focus on making little daily improvements. These improvements add up as the time passes, and after months or years of daily commitment, the progress is HUGE. That’s what every successful person does. Unfortunately, people can’t see the daily effort, as they only see the final outcome. Don’t ignore the progress. It might take some time, but it will be worth it. Focus on getting better every single day instead of trying to achieve a huge leap forward in just a week or so.
5. They Dress to Impress
When you dress like a winner, people tend to respect you more. In psychology, this is known as The Halo Effect. In particular, people tend to make a perception of your whole character based on a single quality that you have shown them. If you look great and you take care of your appearance, then people assume that you are someone who deserves their respect—someone who is also successful, reliable, and kind. When Aristotle Onassis went to America, before becoming a millionaire, he spent all his money to buy clothes that would highlight his style and class. If Onassis gave such importance to his physical appearance, I don’t see any reason that you shouldn’t do the same.
6. They Maintain a Positive Mindset
Your thoughts are the brush that paints your destiny. Successful people think positive and don’t look at their disadvantages. They fight with what they have and always seek improvement. But this improvement can’t come if your mind is continuously occupied by negative thoughts and stress. Positive thinking has been found to reduce stress and, according to Mayo Clinic, it also offers benefits like:
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
7. They Embrace Failures
Phenomenally successful people carry the belief that failures are the stepping stones to success. Each failure yields rewards bigger than a win because it can offer you an invaluable life lesson. Start seeing your failures as an opportunity to become better instead of letting them bring you down and disappoint you.
8. They Surround Themselves With Winners
Jim Rohn has said that “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” People with who you associate play a significant role in your life because they form your lifestyle and beliefs. If you are around people who are full of negativity, you won’t be able to maintain positive thoughts. On the other hand, if you are around people who write down their goals, focus on daily improvement, and dress to impress, you will be pushed to become the best version of yourself. Surround yourself only with like-minded people who have big dreams and are eager to take the necessary steps to achieve them. They will take you to the top with them.
9. They Don’t Seek The Perfect Moment, They Make a Random Moment Perfect
What are you waiting for? The right moment will never come. The circumstances will never be ideal, and if you wait for tomorrow to get started, it will never come. Tomorrow is just an excuse for inertia. There is no perfect moment. What matters is to get started as soon as possible and make the best out of what you have.
10. They Don’t Brag, They Listen
Successful people are ALWAYS eager to learn new things. They ask questions and they listen carefully to other people’s advice. They usually don’t talk too much because they are focused on listening and processing information. On the other hand, losers always speak about how much they know and how amazing their accomplishments are. They are so blinded by their need for acceptance that the only thing they care about is to brag about what they know. And in most cases, they just talk the talk. They don’t walk the walk.
11. They Know That Education is a Constant Process.
Do you believe that you should stop learning when you finish school or college? If the answer is yes, then it’s crucial to change that belief before it’s too late. Education shouldn’t stop at school or college; you should learn new things every single day. It isn’t a coincidence that the most successful people are those who have read countless books and have spent a lifetime acquiring new skills.
12. They Help Other People
Success isn’t about caring for your selfish needs. It’s about caring for the needs of others. EVERY successful person accomplished his goals because what he did really helped others in some way. Mark Zuckerberg gave the world a tool that made it easy to connect with their friends. Larry Page and Sergey Brin gave world a system (Google) that made it easy to find unlimited information in milliseconds. Famous singers and actors help people by fulfilling their emotional needs. If you want to succeed in life, you shouldn’t focus on yourself, you should focus on how you can improve other people’s lives!
13. They Have The Courage to Say NO
This is actually a quality that really separates the winners from thelosers.When you are not afraid to say no, you have already avoided the need to please everyone. Trying to please everybody is impossible and can only lead to disappointment. When you don’t want to do something, just say no without apologizing for your decision.
14. Successful People Take Ownership Of Their Actions
Most people make the mistake of pointing fingers to others for their faults. They never accept responsibility for their actions and always believe that someone else is responsible for their misery. Targeting others for your frustrations won’t help you achieve your goals, it can only hurt other people’s feelings or even create enemies. In fact, your actions or your inertia is what actually determines the quality of your life. Blaming others is just an excuse to avoid the hard work needed to change your life. Stop blaming others and take care of your future, because it depends only upon YOUR ACTIONS.